9mm brass headstamps
9mm brass headstamps

9mm brass headstamps

or more importantly, from brass manufacturer to manufacturer. This means the outside dimensions are usually well within SAAMI specs (for US made ammo) but the inside of the case can vary a lot from brand to brand. sometimes NOT.Įvery brass case manufacturer uses slightly different dies to extrude and form brass cases. Most times we get lucky and are able to safely reload cases many times. cartridges are designed for just one shot and cases are not designed to be reloaded. Impurities change the properties of the brass cases where it might not be suitable to reload. especially foreign made brass, use recycled brass that may contain almost any metal. Lapua, Norma, Starline, and a few other manufactures use pure zinc and copper to make their brass alloys, however many companies. allowing expansion without cracking or rupturing and typically has good reloadability. This alloy has the best properties for cartridges. Why does it matter? The typical formula for cartridge brass is 70% copper and 30% zinc. WIN headstamp cases are the poorest quality of the bunch. Most of this brass is good quality, however it is not all made at the same plant. Some with a WIN headstamp, some with Winchester headstamp, some with Super-X headstamp, and of course some with WCC headstamp. Winchester (Olin) makes several different grades of ammo. If you look closely, the Mexican R-P headstamps use a smaller font. Most are actually made by Remington and are good quality, however some R-P headstamp cases are made in Mexico and are pure junk. Good quality ammo and excellent brass cases. This ammo is sold commercially in Winchester White Box (WCC headstamp) or Federal Eagle boxes (FC headstamp). FC 69 would indicate Federal Cartridge Co, made in 1969. Examples: WCC 05 would indicate Winchester Cartridge Co, made in 2005. Both their FC (with year date) and WCC (with year date) headstamps are made to the same NATO specs at the same plant. Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, in Independence, Missouri. In this situation, the respective headstamps represent the ammo manufacturer, not the brass manufacturer.ĪTK also runs the only US Military ammo plant. Some CCI Speer ammo uses Federal cases, some Federal ammo uses CCI Speer cases. Several years ago, CCI Speer and Federal merged under the parent company ATK. some of their brass comes from Starline and is excellent, however some comes from other sources and is absolutely the worst brass on the market. sometimes the same ammo manufacture also buys their brass from a different company. This is typically excellent quality brass but. Here are some good examples: Starline makes brass for several different ammo manufacturers and will apply what ever headstamp the ammo manufacturer wants. Usually the headstamp indicates what company made the ammo but not necessarily what company made the brass.

9mm brass headstamps